
Formation et séminaires


The "Basic Training" is a 2/3 hours seminar, focused on daily technical problems.
The purpose of the training is to provide solutions to all the participants on the proper use and sizing of Pentair products (JUNG PUMPEN and STA-RITE). During the training courses it is also possible to perform practical tests on working demo units.

The basic course illustrates a single argument.


The "Expert Training" is a seminar thought for all professionals already trained on the waste water topic or on pressurization and who requires insights on such topics.

During our training,  practice presentations take place and participants have the possibility to try by themselves, or to follow demonstrations related to several installations.

Compared to the “Basic” training, the expert training focuses on standards aspects, but also on installation and maintenance of  JUNG PUMPEN and STA-RITE products..

The seminar will be one day long. During the training courses it will be also possible to perform practical tests on working demo units.